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As the Lord leads

Writer's picture:

This last weekend we went to preach at a church here in our state. For the next few weeks, we will be with them to fill the pulpit on Sundays. We have also been asked to help them through where they currently are as a church.

As we headed out, we were taking our RV and the tow Jeep we just bought. This way when we are away and set up in the RV we have transportation. Now this is not a new Jeep. It is 2004 Jeep Liberty that is set up to tow. So we have had it serviced and even put on a new set of tires. So as we are heading out up the interstate we were going to stop to dump our black and gray tanks. If you don’t know about RV’s, they are the tanks that hold sewage in the black tank and sink/shower water in the gray tank. Well, we pulled off, parked and as Elaine was paying for the use of the dump station I took a look to make sure all was OK. It wasn’t. The back left tire on the Jeep was flat. Ultimately, the tire was cut and we put the spare on to continue the trip. We were later arriving than planned but those things happen in life.

What is so interesting is that there was no damage to the tire, except the cut, or to the wheel. Whatever happened was not on the interstate but probably as we entered the parking lot. It could have been a serious situation if that happened and it went flat while on the interstate. This was another one of those “Thank you Lord” times. When His Word says “I will never leave you or forsake you” He means it. Can I get and Amen?

So we settled in Saturday evening and had a great time of food and fellowship with folks from the church. Sunday was such a blessing with a wonderful worship service and a special time of meeting the people of the church in a meet and greet time. We are so humbled that the Lord has again determined to use us to encourage other believers.

Remember that just a couple of week ago we remembered the passion of the week which led to Jesus crucifixion and His triumphant victory over death when He rose from the dead. In thinking about this in respect to what God is doing, I was focused on His intent and desire for the church.

Now it is important to note, as I have said previously, that the church for which Jesus died is not a building. It is the individuals who accept His free gift of eternal life by faith. Church is not us 4 and no more. Church is the message of God’s grace given to man so that he might have eternal life. Church is all of us together sharing the message of the need for salvation to the world. To those people who do not know, yet need to hear that Jesus loves them, died for their sin and rose again so that they can have eternal life.

With this in mind the message God gave me this past Sunday was entitled “On Mission”. Webster’s Dictionary defines missions as “a special task to which one devotes his life”. Webster says it is a “calling”.

We are On Mission as individual believers, as a church of believers and as a denomination of believers.

Matthew 28: 19-20 New King James Version

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 

20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.

Jesus said we are On Mission to make disciples of all the nations

Jesus said we are On Mission to baptize them in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

Jesus said we are On Mission to teach them

As believers, we are commissioned by God to do exactly what Jesus said as Matthew recorded for us. This is His commission to His disciples that day before He went to Heaven. It is also the commission for each of us today. The stakes were high then and we might think they are even greater today. That may or may not be true. What is true is that then, as today, people are dying and going to spend their eternity in hell. Thus separated from God and His Heaven forever.

Are you looking for those God guided opportunities to speak to others about Christ? My reason to ask is that it appears by Scripture that is exactly what He desires of us as His children. Scripture provides us with direction as to what we should do in life. As the Lord leads, is how we should live each day.

The plan of salvation is easy and it is sharing Jesus own words as found in John 3:16

”For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Remember He also said in verse 17 that-

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

Today is the opportunity as commissioned to live as He desires us to live.

In God’s Grace,

Elbert Nasworthy


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