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Christmas is coming

Well, we have 2 more weeks before we get to Christmas weekend. I am sure we are all going to be busy with preparations, parties and family. I admit that this is my favorite time of the year and with Christmas on a weekend it means we will have a Christmas Eve service Saturday evening and then a worship service on Christmas morning. I have to admit as a Christian and a Pastor I love it when the calendar falls this way.

We know from history that Jesus wasn't born on December 25th. We know the wise men didn't arrive in Bethlehem the next day or even week after. His actual birth was probably in the spring because then the shepherds would have been in the fields with their flocks. The wise men did see a star but more than likely it was as much 2 years or more after the birth they came.

We know much about the truth of when and how but social traditions have altered that truth. So many things over the course of history have influenced how we celebrate His birth. I think the most important thing is that the birth is celebrated and it has encompassed so many traditions that you just can't separate the truth that Jesus is the reason for the season.

Over the years there have been Christmas wars. Battles over manger scenes in public places, Christmas trees have become called holiday trees. Yet, when all of this and more is done it is still done at Christmas and Christmas is all about Christ. Celebrating the birth of God's son, born of a virgin to be the savior of the world, Emmanuel, God with us.

One of the many things I love about this time of year is that I get to wish people a Merry Christmas. Even this has been a part of the Christmas Wars but I sure am glad we have won the war and keep on wishing people a Merry Christmas.

I found a Country music Christmas channel to listen to on Sirius/XM. It is on in the house and when we are on the road. Listening to the sounds of the season helps to remind me of how Christmas has been celebrated and remembered throughout my life.

People often say that Christmas brings back memories. I think that is so true because I know it does for me. As I am writing this today, I remembered movies of the Christmas season that came to my mind. "Miracle on 34th Street" is my all time favorite and I think I may try to watch it this year. When Lacey and Erik were growing up it was "Home Alone". I love that movie and I laugh so hard as Kevin defeats the crooks who are trying to steal from his family.

I go back further in my memories to when I was a child to my grandparents, Mema and Paw, my father's mother and father. One year Mema decided she wanted a foil tree with colored lights rotating in front of it. I remember my father and grandfather doing all they could to make that a reality. They did and I don't know that I remember seeing it again after that year but I remember it at least that once.

These next couple of weeks will be creating memories of their own. Not just for me but for all of us. You will probably, like us, attend some parties. Make every effort to connect with the kids and grandkids, I know we will. Attend church services and sing some the wonderful songs of the season.

Then when December 26 dawns, pause and remember it was all about Jesus, the reason for the season. Get ready for the celebration in just a few short months of His resurrection. Because as wonderful as Christmas is it is Resurrection Sunday that puts the exclamation point on His birth. He is risen, He is risen, indeed.

We wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.

In God's Grace,

Elbert Nasworthy

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