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Facts can confuse some

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There are people who while surprising to others just have a problem accepting the facts. Facts are defined in the Merriman-Webster Dictionary as something that has actual existence, an actual occurrence, a piece of information presented as having objective reality, the quality of being actual. That is a definition which clearly tells us what the word fact means. Thus, when the things presented are facts they are facts.

It may be odd to you, as I know it is to me, that there seems to be a great problem today with facts. More and more people are denying the facts. Acting as if the facts don’t mean anything and therefore have relevance to the matter at hand. As well, that facts are not facts simply because someone says there not.

My mind is made up, don’t confuse me with the facts. I remember my Dad used to say this about some people. As I thought about that comment, I found out some interesting things. Some internet searching will lead to 1945 and the story of the advertising person pitching an ad campaign to a reluctant client. After presenting the campaign and the reasons for going forward, the client responded.

“I still think we’ll go along as we have been doing.”

“But how can you say that in the face of this evidence?” protested the agency man.

The client stared at the presentation, deep in thought. …and said softly:

“Don’t confuse me with facts!” (

As you look further, you can see how this quote came to fruition and is still used today. It has been and is used in various situations to explain that there are those people in certain situations who in spite of the facts already have their mind made up. There is that seeing and knowing the facts, but that something that causes them to hope something else which will never be.

That, as I have said in previous post history, is a great educator. It provides facts which will then allow us as mankind to make the best choice. I didn’t say the perfect or even the desired choice but the best choice. History is replete with accounts that can provide mankind with knowledge to make the best decision. How unfortunate that mankind so often does not want to be bothered with the history having already made up its mind.

If mankind, and that means you and I, are going to survive as God’s creation we are going to have to be more diligent in approaching the decisions we make. We have actually too much information but it takes time and careful study in order to process it all. My concern is that in every part of life we are overwhelmed with information yet unable to utilize it wisely in making our decisions.

I have said this before that politics are snapshots and sound bites. If you take that and expand it, it is true in other areas of life as well. No matter what the subject or purpose people are seeing and hearing a snapshot and sound bite to make up their mind. Now for something like a sandwich for lunch, that is fine. However, on the other extreme who is going to lead a country a little bit more than a snapshot and sound bite are certainly required.

Now there is a reason I am saying this because if it is simply said and seen it does not make it fact. Less we be judgmental or God forbid, holier than thou, we are all guilty of this at one time or another. Recognizing it and then correcting our actions is what we have to do.

Old Testament prophecies provide the facts of how God deals with His people. How He saw and responded to the actions of His people Israel. The New Testament takes what we learn from the Old Testament and combines it with the fulfillment of the prophecies of a Savior to come. Then in conjunction with the Old Testament it reveals to mankind what will happen and is happening even now. Leading to what we often refer to as the end times.

Recently I shared about that and you can go back a couple of weeks and look at it again if you would like. How close are we to Christ return to rapture His bride the church? As I have noted from Scripture previously, only God the Father knows.

It is so terrible to realize that there are so many who in the past have, do so now, and will in the future say, don’t confuse me with the facts, I’ve already made up my mind.

In God’s Grace,

Elbert Nasworthy


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