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How God Speaks Today


John 4:42

We can be thankful that God is still in the communications business. No, He doesn’t post on Twitter and you cannot follow Him on Facebook or Instagram.

There are 4 principle methods God uses in revealing Himself today:

1) The Word of God

The primary manner God speaks today is through His written word. God’s Word represents revelation through the unfolding truth about Himself. The Bible is the breath of God upon those men who He spoke to His truth. Thus when we read His Word we are reading the words of God, although penned by man, that He wants us to know.

The most assured way that we can know we hear God is through His Word. In life, we will face difficulties, heartaches and when we do we should first seek the Scriptures. God’s Word is written to the people. Isaiah wrote to Judah, Paul wrote the Romans. Thus the Scriptures were written for not only those to whom it was addressed but to each of us today. The Bible is God’s instruction book for His people.

Look for a moment at Joshua 1:7-8

7 Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.

8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

For Joshua, it was the book of the law that was his guide. So today for us, it is the Bible.

You might ask: “How practical is that for us today, as 21st-century believers?” Very practical and as you read God’s Word; meditate on it, ask God to show you from His Word the direction He desires, God will clarify His direction if we seek Him and His Word. He may use an event in Scripture, a passage, a single verse and it will relate to our specific concern.

You probably all are familiar with the story of God’s people leaving Egypt for the Promised Land. Now a lot happens and they spend 40 years wandering in the wilderness. However, early on they were “On the Brink of a Blessing”. This is one of my favorite messages God has given me in my ministry. It is a message of hope and understanding that what keeps us from being blessed by God are our own selfish desires which lead then to disobedience. Ultimately God’s promise of the land is achieved however very early on there was an opportunity to experience it had it not been for their disobedience.

The second method God uses is

2) The Holy Spirit

The primary way in which Jesus spoke in the New Testament was through the Holy Spirit. Today, as well, God speaks to His people through the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit lives, dwells, and abides in us, and in that way, God can speak. When the Holy Spirit speaks it is not audible. Rather He impresses His will in the spirit, mind, and in the inner being of the believer.

Thirdly, God speaks today through-

3) Other People

God can and will use His people to speak to His people. The people we ought to listen to the most are those we live with every day.

We may also be used by God to speak to others. We need to be careful about what we say. This requires that we examine our dialogue, and be sure not to be sending out the wrong words that might confuse another believer. Seek to be alert, sensitive, and available to God’s Voice.

Lastly, God speaks today through-

4) Circumstances

God will use the circumstances of our lives to speak to us. To show His direction, to encourage our hearts, or to correct. You see sometimes it is a failure, sometimes it is a success, sometimes it is a disappointment, sometimes it is a tragedy but God uses all circumstances in life to speak.

I these 4 primary ways God speaks today: The Word of God, The Holy Spirit, other people, and circumstances.

Several years ago a company by the name of E.F. Hutton used a very specific line to let people know that they had something important to say that would change a person's life in there investing. It was “when E.F. Hutton speaks people listen”.

David said in Psalm 85:8 “I will hear what God the LORD will speak, For He will speak peace To His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to folly.”

So today and every day listen to ...hear what God the LORD will speak,...

A thought to ponder,

Elbert Nasworthy


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