This past week we were at our daughter’s house while they were away on a spring break trip. We were taking care of their dogs. That‘s right dogs, 4 Siberian huskies Kai, Simba, Samson and Yogi. If you know anything about huskies it is that they are dogs that shed their fur and I mean all the time. They are awesome dogs and very loving. So we cared for them and it was fun but also hectic at times. You see they live inside because they can’t stand the heat and humidity. So they have to be let out at times to do their business. Now when they are in the house they mostly sleep. They wander around the house occasionally but for the most part they lay around. Like right now Sam is nosing me in the chair as I scratch his head. Probably wants to go out.
So as the week has gone by, I have read a book and spent time catching up on other reading and information. We watched Zelenskyy‘s address to Congress live and I have just completed a very lengthy and specific prayer time for he and people of Ukraine. It included some very targeted prayer regarding Russia, its army and leaders. You are probably praying a lot for them, as well. Good, that is what we should do in a time like this and these situations.
The other day I posted this on social media

As I, at that time, was considering what I wanted to happen, I had a need to understand that prayer is about His will and not mine. We can all become confused in this as we go through this life. Our life perspective is important for us to know and accept. It is not a simplistic approach to life but rather a deep rooted trust and faith in God.
I have said it before and will say it again right now. I don’t understand and I don’t like what is going around us. However, I remember what Paul said to Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:12?
…I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.
Daniel White asked the questions well in the hymn when he wrote-
I know not why God’s wondrous grace
To me He hath made known,
Nor why, unworthy, Christ in love
Redeemed me for His own.
He continued to make this simple statement as the hymn continues I know not why… and I affirm that today I know not why…
When God made this world and created mankind, He did so with full knowledge we would be, as humanity, where we are today. So we attempt to make sense out of it and we can’t and we don’t.
When God put this all into motion He did so by providing for our will to be free. For you and I do what we want. Even though that may not be the thing He would have us do. Thus we are compelled to seek to understand Him and His ways. Whether through the reading of His Word, the leading of His Holy Spirit, or doing the right thing. Because we all know what is right and wrong. God made us that way. Adam and Eve knew what was right and wrong, it was who they were. God made them in that way and even cautioned them. Just like He cautions us. God is very specific and clear about what is right and wrong. We know it, we all do. We know it is not right for one nation to invade another just to take their land. We know it is not right to name a man the woman of the year or to allow a biological male to compete against a biological female. Then when he wins to declare him the best woman in that sport.
In just this past week these and countless other examples have been reported that clearly show how utterly messed up the human race has become. The sad thing is that it is going to get worse across the board.
You might say well Jesus is coming soon and things will get better. They will but certainly not immediately. Depending on your perspective on life relative to Biblical prophecy, things will definitely get worse before they ever get better here on earth. It is important to know that the Bible speaks of a new Heaven and a new earth in the future. Now there is really no reason to get overly concerned about the new while we are stuck here in the old. I mean maybe for the sake of hope but not because it will change anything today.
Elaine was just telling me of a post she had seen. The question was were we smarter 50 years ago than we are today? Well, I would certainly like to think so. She noted that the owners manual for a car 50 years ago described how to use the radio knobs. Today it is don’t drink the water in the battery. Listen, the knobs were a little tricky and needed explanation, but we knew battery water was acidic. We used to call things like that common sense. So has mankind lost common sense?
As I look around and watch what is happening I am convinced common sense as well as right and wrong are missing with so many people today. Your perspective on life is important as to how you see and face life. Remember what Paul said? I do and it helps me with my perspective on life every day. …I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.
In God’s Grace,
Elbert. Nasworthy