We have been away for a couple of weeks. This is an annual trip with family to The Keys. We look forward to this time each year. It is great to get away and be with family and friends. Enjoy the great outdoors and God’s marvelous creation.
However, this year it just didn’t go as we had planned and hoped. You see Elaine and I both came down with a sinus issue as soon as we got there. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been but it was extremely disruptive and kept us inside for the first week. So in week 2 there was more freedom to get out and enjoy things.
Because of what we have been through and what we were hoping for, the thought came to my mind that things change. Now, this is not something new for any of us. However, that change can come in many different ways and in many different timelines. Using our situation we were fine coming down and once we got here things started to change. It was me first and few days later Elaine. It was like in the course of a day I went and then she went from feeling fine to not feeling very good. Take some meds, drink plenty water. Stay inside and just wait to get better. Elaine was a day or so behind me so we went through this together.
While we were down we read. Of course, we read our Bibles and prayed because we need to do those things as believers. We need to keep that presence with God active in our lives. We should all do this not just she and I. We prayed as we do for people we know and situations they are going through. Again, this is something that most believers do in their daily life.
One of the people I have prayed for because of their need passed away last weekend. I have to be honest their passing was not a shock to me but it brought with it a variety of emotions and thoughts about life both here and in Heaven.
It was last Sunday morning that I heard of the passing of Bobby Bowden. Having been a fan of his and Seminole football over the years I was aware of his recent illness but not thinking he would leave us so soon. God has a plan and His plan is to take us home one day. Coach Bowden is home now with our Lord. He left a legacy and memories for fans, family and players alike. He will not soon be forgotten in our minds or on the field at Florida State.
I was honored to meet and have Coach Bowden speak in churches I pastored. He was such a blessing and kind to all he met. When you have the opportunity to meet someone who is as successful and kind as Coach Bowden it is a rare privilege. Truly he walked on and off the field as a legend of the game of football and the game of life. He didn’t begin as a legend and most certainly never thought he might be one someday. That is true for all of us. Who and what we are in life is determined and cast throughout our life.
His accomplishments on the field are what he is most remembered for but yet it was the things off the field that defined the man. He had integrity which for many today is a rare trait. Integrity is having moral principles and being honest. This is a trait all should have but is a rare commodity in todays world. Integrity is seen by others and that was true of Bobby Bowden. He was first of all a coach but he was much more he was a Christian. That is what defined him and not his on field accomplishments.
There will only have been one Bobby Bowden but there is a need for more men like him. Whether they coach a football team, pastor a church, lead in a board room or on the job site. Men who with integrity live out their lives and effect the lives of others. Their children, their friends and all around them.
Living for 91 years was a great accomplishment but the most important was not the National Championships, the conference titles or any other on field accomplishment. He would say that it was asking Jesus Christ to be his Savior. For the day he did his eternity was secure. He once told his team that they each needed to decide where they would spend their eternity. Eternity is a long time and it will either be spent with God in His Heaven through faith in Jesus Christ or in hell with the devil and his demons. It is your choice and eternity is a long time.
Yes, some things change but God never does. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus was the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world. God made a waywhen there was no way for mankind to be reconciled with Him.
As I sit here this morning Roger Breland and Truth came to my mind. They had a song entitled “Jesus Never Fails”. The line that came to mind was this-
Jesus never fails. Jesus never fails.
You might as well get thee behind me, Satan
You cannot prevail, because Jesus never fails.
How powerful and reassuring these words are for us to remember each day. The song continues and reminds us that-
Sometimes this world brings trouble I find so hard to bear.
I know I could not make it without Jesus being there.
It's so encouraging to know,
How ever deep we're in despair…
Jesus never fails.
Things change but Jesus never does. No matter what we face as His children we can know that Jesus never fails.
A thought to ponder,
Elbert Nasworthy
