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We Have Reached

Writer's picture:

We have reached a place in the history of society of which there may be no turning back. This is the time of the cancel culture, ideas of social justice, inclusiveness and many other things. Everything is upside down and we seem to be unable to right ourselves. What do we do and how do we ever move forward?

Well, historically we are at a point to which many over the years have been working toward. Freedom is under attack and there is, for some, a passion to destroy this nation. It is being done from the inside out. That is to say, we as the people are destroying ourselves. Too many voices today are stating that who we are and where we have come from as a nation are wrong. Now, you are probably saying right now, “it’s not me, I’m not doing that“ but someone is and it effects you.

Actually, this is nothing new as this has been going on since our beginning. Therefore, it will go on until our end. As an individual, and I hope this is true for you, I am first a Christian and then a citizen. Never allow who you are as a Christian to lose its position as number one. If, as a Christian, we can endeavor daily to pray and keep the faith in our life then we can better serve as a citizen.

We want to see change and yet when we don’t,we often lose hope. The old hymn of the faith “My hope is built on nothing less” says-

On Christ the Solid Rock I stand

All other ground is sinking sand

Believer, our hope is built on Jesus Christ the solid rock. In order to make it day by day, in light of all that is happening, there has to be a solid rock we stand upon. The good Lord in Heaven is keenly aware of what has, is and is going to happen. Not just in your life but in this world. He is not taken by surprise or even remotely concerned because He knows. Remember the song you learned as a child?

He’s got the whole world in His hands

Then the Bible tells us that in the end, we win.

For many life is pretty good and for others not so much. Look around your neighborhood, your church and you will quickly see that life certainly has a lot going on for people. No matter what is happening in our lives, it is necessary to never lose hope. I can’t believe I am going to say this, but here we go. This might be the time of the greatest need for us to have hope. You know why I said it that way? Look back at history and the see the terrible times mankind has faced. Think about what may happen in the future, but for right now consider this might the the greatest need for hope. Because without hope for today, what hope do we have for the future?

I read this morning a comment that someone posted on social media. Their thought was that we need to maintain the foundation of our Christian faith. They are so right because as we see today there are some who are chipping away at the foundation. The writer continued to note that instead of destroying the foundation, just believe the Bible.

The more I read the Bible to more I am in amazement at how God has this all under control. Thus, in the midst of what appears to be chaos I can find peace and yes joy. Nowhere in Scripture are we told that life would be easy. Actually, from the fall in the Garden of Eden God made it clear things were going to pretty rough going forward. Add to that picture what happens in Scripture when people are disobedient and God corrects their actions. You can see pretty quickly that this is not an easy life to live.

We have reached a place in history where others have been before us. Things seemed hopeless and there was trouble on every hand. This is the time when we must individually decide what we are going to do. How are we going to move forward and address the issues to be faced?

Joshua 24 is a great chapter about the Covenant at Shechem. It also records the death of Joshua and Eleazar. I would encourage you to read this wonderful chapter from God’s Word. In the covenant that the people make with Lord, there is a familiar and often repeated verse. Joshua is challenging the people as he reminds them of all God had done for them. We read in verses 14 and 15 these words-

14 “Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord!

15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Today is a Shechem moment for you to decide what are you going to do with God. I know what I have, am and will do. Like Joshua, I say as for Elaine and I we will serve the Lord. When we do and when you do there is always the knowledge that God is there with us.

In God’s Grace,

Elbert Nasworthy


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