Thanks for joining me today as I share some thoughts with you. When I was pastoring full time, I started to post these thoughts to ponder regularly. I did them on the radio and on the internet through the church, through video vlogs, and the "In God's Grace" website. "In God's Grace" came from the name of the radio broadcast I did for 7 years on WTNB in Tampa.
I guess that everyone who shares things hopes that they have or will have made a difference in the lives of others. I know that I certainly fall into that category. I have done and still post regularly on social media and on my website with a blog which is where this is posted.
A couple of years ago while on a trip with Elaine, I was posting regular videos about our trip and some words of encouragement each day. Those were being posted on YouTube. While on that trip one day I went on to post a video and could not get onto my YouTube account. If you go look for me on YouTube, there is nothing from my YouTube account. There are only 3 introduction videos posted on other accounts. They took me down and even though I attempted to find out what I did to correct any issue, I never received an explanation from YouTube. So needless to say, that has not been a platform I have been able to use.
You know it bothered me, but over time I just concentrated on what I could use as platforms. I truly hope that that has been beneficial to you and others. Now I use many but not all all social media Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Truth Social, Rumble, Parler and Linkedin. I am hoping to post more video on Rumble going forward, so please be looking for that, as well.
I do not know the future, but I know who holds the future. Only God knows but as for me, this is the time for me to continue to encourage you and others regularly. I hope that you will help me by sharing with your family, friends, neighbors, colleagues about the website ElbertNasworthy.Com and my social media as I say and write what is in my thoughts or my observations. I truly want to encourage and provide thoughts that will help you and others in their walk with or coming to knowledge of the Lord and His Son Jesus.
So, we continue to serve churches as an Interim Pastor and/or as a consultant and continue to work with the Tampa Bay Baptist Foundation to assist churches in the Tampa Bay Baptist Association. We are now going to work with Florida Baptist Convention Disaster Relief as a chaplain and assessor team. Obviously, this is a lot but it also keeps us busy and active.
God bless you and thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life.
In God's Grace,
Elbert Nasworthy