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Where are we going? Part 2

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Last week's opening paragraph was-

Now this is a question that is asked by all of us. It depends on the particular subject you are talking about for example. The question is where are we going as to what are we trying to achieve? Businesses, churches, and organizations ask this question and it becomes a part of their long-term planning.

Two things are first and foremost in my mind right now. This first one is always there and it is telling others about Jesus Christ. Being a witness of His saving grace. Preaching His Word and encouraging both the believer and the unbeliever. The second is where we are as the human race and much more specifically as the United States of America.

I balance these two important matters regularly as I write this blog. This is because as the blog is named "A thought to ponder". These are the thoughts that I am pondering at that time and of course now.

As I watch and listen to the different voices and candidates, a very simple thought comes to my mind. This election is not about party affiliation, personality, or anything else.

This election is direction in the next 4 years. Yes, and beyond, for I believe if we don’t get this right, future generations are going be effected and there may not ever be the opportunity to get this country back. I mean that as the country we are and have been now for 248 years. Yes, we are a different country than we were less than 4 years ago.

If you determine that a socialist form of government is the right direction, there is a candidate that will lead in that direction.

If you determine that a capitalist form of government is the right direction, there is a candidate that will lead in that direction.

There is a clear distinction between the two. Just ask people in countries like Cuba and Venezuela. They will tell you, as those I have met have told me, that you don’t want what socialism will bring. That is certainly one of the reasons that we are seeing a crisis at our southern border.

Voting should always come down to what it is you want as a citizen. In a Constitutional Republic, that is how democracy works.

We may get something that we as individuals did not want, but will have to live with it until the next election.

Be careful how you vote. Elections have consequences.

The reason I am writing further on this thought to ponder "Where are we heading?" Part 2 is that I feel led to encourage you. None of us can separate ourselves from what is going on around us. The older I get the more concerned I am about the future. How it will be for our kids and grandkids, which we have now. Of course, there can be more to come in the future so I hope you appreciate my concerns.

We were just having a conversation the other day. Look we know that we have less time ahead of us compared to what is behind us. I will be honest and I have said this many times, I hope God sends Jesus back for His bride real soon. Is that from a selfish perspective? You could say that but is also because of what that means for our family. Everyone is saved so that worry is not on our minds.

Now for those of you who think about the tribulation and dispensational issues let me say here is where I am. I believe Jesus is my Savior because I accepted God’s free gift of salvation. If you want more on that then let me know. You can also go back and read previous blogs where I have discussed it in great length. I believe Jesus is coming again to take His bride the church to Heaven. It is called the rapture. I believe there will be a Great Tribulation to follow. It will last for 7 years. I believe Jesus will return with his saints (believers of which I am one) and establish a 1,000 year reign from Jerusalem. I believe then satan will be loosed and there will be a final battle in which he and his demons and followers will be defeated and locked away in hell for eternity. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. We will be with the Lord forever.

Yes, there are other events in the end times scenario but this provides a general timeline for this blog. You might not agree with some of my understanding of Scripture. That is fine and if I am wrong that is fine. Why is it fine? Because the part that counts is knowing Jesus as my Lord and Savior. All of the other stuff matters only as to when it occurs. It will and if I have the timeline wrong it is no problem. God’s got it and that is all that matters.

I don’t know when God is telling Jesus to come get His bride. I don’t know when the Lord is going to take me home. Yet, I do know in the meantime I have to live on this earth. I have to function as a believer and a citizen. So I have to be well aware of what is happening around me.

Socialism has never worked. That is why we have a border problem. We have freedom and people from places like Venezuela and Cuba, as I mentioned earlier, are coming here. Now there can also be some who come for other reasons than freedom. If there are only a few terrorists they can and will do great damage. Percentage-wise it might be small but one bad apple ruins the whole pie.

Now as you read this blog on the day it is posted on Friday, August 16, 2024, there are then 81 days until Election Day November 5th. Last week I noted that based on what is reported a high percentage of voters have already made up their minds. I have watched and listened to the other side from where I am voting. I can find nothing that I believe will cause me to change my vote. You may be the same and that is fine.

So with that in mind, it is reported that there are a few hundred thousand who are undecided. They may or may not have a party affiliation, which does not matter. They can be Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, or simply none of the above but should and hopefully will vote. Everyone needs to vote in every election. There is no election where our vote does not count. It is imperative that we vote.

November 5th is coming quickly and all I ask is that everyone seriously consider what our country could be like 4 years from now.

As of this writing, one side has communicated what they want to achieve. The other has yet to state what they want to achieve.

Both sides have a track record to show.

One shows how to achieve prosperity and strength. One shows how to achieve inflation and weakness.

So all I am asking, is that everyone seriously consider what our country will be like in 4 years.

Ronald Reagan asked when he ran against Jimmy Carter “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”

Well, I retired 4 years ago so in some ways I am better off. However, as I look around and consider gas, food, etc, not so much. Because the one we have now is not as good as it was 4 years ago.

It may be hard for you to consider these things but you must. Believers in Jesus Christ can't separate themselves from being a citizen. Every believer in every country in the world is a citizen of that country. We are blessed as citizens of the United States to live in a country where freedom still exists.

We are swaying on winds of change that can and will destroy freedom. Looking at and listening to things that are happening in other countries scares me. I can't believe some of the things I read and hear about that are happening in other countries. Countries that I would have never thought could go that way.

We have an opportunity to make the wise and prudent decision as a nation. What will we do? Right now only God knows.

In God’s Grace,

Elbert Nasworthy


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